The Modern Family Show is an educational family creation event taking place in the UK, USA, and for the first time in Sydney, Australia in 2023. A show like no other, designed to safely guide and support the LGBTQ+ community to understand their options for having children.
Located conveniently near Trafalgar Square in the heart of London, this is the perfect place to network and plan your future in a safe space where you’ll find several exhibitors, a comprehensive seminar program with a wide variety of speakers and services to assist you on your journey to parenthood or becoming a carer.
The Modern Family Show was founded by Michael and Wes Johnson-Ellis, known as TwoDadsUK, Dads via UK Surrogacy.
If you are interested in Surrogacy, IUI, IVF, Adoption, Fostering, Co-Parenting, Fertility Preservation, Solo Parenting or Egg Donation or Sperm Donation, this event is ideal as you will find all the specialists under one roof and meet many like-minded people.
You can book your tickets for the next London event at: