
The Herts & Essex Fertility Centre is consistently one of the top-performing fertility clinics in the UK and has some of the best success rates in the East of England. These results are achieved through the professionalism, expertise and the commitment of our staff.

The Herts & Essex Fertility Centre is consistently one of the top-performing fertility clinics in the UK

Vacancy – Health Care Assistant

Main tasks and responsibilities of this position:

  • The Health Care Assistant (HCA) works under the Theatre Manager in Theatre & Recovery, under indirect supervision of the Nurse Manager in the clinic area and is accountable to both for their working practice.
  • This is guided by standard operating procedures and requires the individual to use a degree of initiative.
  • The HCA also provides support for other members of the nursing team and contributes towards the coordination of team activities.
  • Experience as a support worker is desired but not essential. Good personal skills and a flexible, eager-to-learn and caring attitude will be beneficial in this role.
  • The HCA will be a member of a small supportive team in an inclusive environment.

Important single tasks:

Key Responsibilities:

  • Work alongside and support the registered nurses
  • Maintain work areas in each clinical area so that they are clean, safe and free from hazards reporting any potential risks identified
  • Measuring and recording the following physiological measurements for routine egg collection or consultation such as:
  •                  blood pressure
  •                  pulse rate and rhythm
  •                  temperature
  •                  height and weight – body mass index
  •                  venepuncture
  •                  glucose monitoring
  •                  perform urinalysis
  • Training will be provided if the candidate does not have the above skills
  • Prepare and maintain environments and equipment before, during and after patient care interventions
  • Act as a chaperone of patients
  • Training will be provided to become a scrub practitioner at egg collection and all theatre procedures
  • Work in the recovery area under the supervision of a Registered General Nurse and undertake recovery competencies
  • Perform venepuncture once trained
  • Clean and stock areas, trolleys and cupboards as necessary
  • Semen analysis – checking and cleaning of sample room, taking patients to the room
  • Make up pots/envelopes using IVF witness system
  • Set up and assist at HyCoSY/SIS procedure
  • Assist on scan list
  • Maintaining, stocking and ordering within the clinical areas to support the nursing team
  • Work independently in the clinical area within specified range of competencies, being supported where needed by a registered nurse.
  • Liaise with nursing team ensuring that everyone is responsible for their own working environment.

Communication and Documentation:

  • Give accurate and appropriate information to patients and groups within own competence
  • Communicate effectively with patients, respecting their privacy, dignity, and beliefs at all times
  • Identify risks involved in work activities and take action to manage the risks
  • Manage own time effectively
  • Ensure own actions, communication, and values support equality, diversity, and rights
  • Undertake recordkeeping and work within guidelines provided and report any abnormalities
  • Be aware of, and if appropriate, assist with clinical audits
  • Contribute to the preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and general documentation
  • Documenting information and activities with patients in an accurate and timely manner
  • Maintain confidentiality for information relating to patients, relatives, staff, and the clinic
  • Practice within agreed standards of care and individual competency framework
  • Take responsibility for own developmental learning and performance, including participating in supervision and maintaining a record of own personal development

This job description is not to be regarded as exclusive or exhaustive as there may be other duties or requirements associated with the post that you may be called upon to perform from time to time

General Duties:

  • Ensure that all information concerning patients is treated in the strictest confidence
  • Relay messages to appropriate employees
  • Help in any way to make the department run as smoothly as possible

Be aware of and adhere to:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act
  • Staff Handbook policies
  • No Smoking policy
  • Data Protection Act
  • HFEA code of practice
  • Care Quality Commission standards

You have access to all facilities within the clinic with responsibility for the Theatre and Recovery areas

Health & Safety:

All employees must be aware of the responsibility placed on them under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to maintain a safe environment for employees and visitors. Individual employees should also refer to specific health and safety requirements within their job descriptions


The post holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff, and the clinic’s business according to the Data Protection Act 1998

Equal opportunities:

The Herts & Essex Fertility Centre has adopted an equal opportunities policy and all employees must be aware of their obligations to abide by the spirit and nature of the policy to avoid direct and indirect discrimination


You will be rewarded with an attractive salary depending on your experience and benefit from working alongside a highly talented, friendly, inclusive, well-respected medical and scientific team, allowing you to enjoy a positive work-life balance.

The clinic:

We are an independently owned clinic managed by leading experts offering cost-effective fertility treatment with outstanding results. In our 35-year history, we have helped with the successful delivery of over 8,000 babies and our dedicated team has helped to create thousands of families.


To apply in confidence for the role, please submit your CV with covering letter to and


Monday 31 March 2025


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