Rahul Naik BSc (Hons) MSc (Bio) MSc (Clinical Emb)

25th July 2019

Rahul has been practicing embryology for 16 years and joined us in the summer of 2019. He comes to Herts & Essex with vast international exposure around the globe. Rahul has worked in the Middle East, India, Singapore with Prof. Chen before making a home in the UK. He has worked in Southampton and London along with setting up a brand new facility with a fully functional IVF laboratory in the prestigious medical district of London in Harley Street. He’s got experience with HFEA and is well versed in the regulation. Rahul did his specialisation in clinical embryology at the University of Leeds. Rahul has trained a lot of budding embryologists and is an ACE – UK trainer. He has also helped set up IVF facilities in India and is invited faculty for numerous International conferences. Rahul is a Health and Care Professional Council registered as Clinical Scientist and has a keen interest in emerging technologies to improve patient outcomes


Kristina Kolarikova RGN BSc (Hons) «
Charlotte Wood BSc (Hons) »

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