Consultations | Cost (£) | |
Initial consultation | £250 | |
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) + Thyroid function test (TFT)* | £125 | |
Semen analysis including HBA test* | £195 | |
Follow-up consultation | £200 | |
Treatment information appointment (TIA) - consultation with a nurse prior to starting treatment | £125 | |
Treatment information appointment (TIA) - consultation with a nurse prior to starting FER or IUI treatment | £50 | |
Follow up consultation booked within three months of a failed treatment (fresh or frozen cycle) | At no cost | |
* Patients are highly advised to have up-to-date AMH, TFT, and/ or semen analysis results prior to booking an initial consultation | | |
Couple Fertility Assessment | Cost(£) | |
1st visit: BMI and BP check for both. AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) – to assess patient’s ovarian reserve. Thyroid function test (TFT) [Thyroxine T4 & Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)] Semen analysis including HBA | £645 | |
2nd visit: Ultrasound scan with antral follicle count. Consultant to discuss results at scan appointment (SA, AMH, TFT) | | |
Female Fertility Assessment | Cost(£) | |
1st visit: BMI and BP check. AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) - to assess patient's ovarian reserve. Thyroid Function Test (TFT) [Thyroxine T4 & Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)] | £450 | |
2nd visit: Ultrasound scan with antral follicle count. Consultant to discuss results at scan appointment (SA, AMH, TFT) | | |
Male Fertility Assessment | Cost(£) | |
Semen analysis including HBA test | £195 | |
Scans | Cost (£) | |
Pelvic ultrasound scan | £200 | |
A gynaecology scan is an ultrasound scan procedure to examine your pelvic organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus) |
Early pregnancy scan | £200 | |
An early pregnancy scan is performed in the first 5-11 weeks of pregnancy and will: Determine the presence and location of a pregnancy Confirm the fetal heartbeat (possible after 7 weeks of pregnancy) Check the viability of a pregnancy (the likelihood of problems or complications) Diagnose a pregnancy (singleton, twins, triplets or more) Calculate your estimated due date (EDD) |
NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test) blood test & ultrasound scan at 10+ weeks | £685 | |
The package includes an early pregnancy scan and a NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test) which screens for common chromosomal problems |
Ultrasound 3D scan (Gynae scan) | £285 | |
Saline infusion sonography (SIS) | £495 | |
A saline infusion sonogram (SIS, saline sonography) is an ultrasound test to check if the endometrial cavity (inside of the uterus) appears normal. |
Test of tubal patency including saline infusion sonography (HyCoSy) | £550 | |
Patent (unblocked) fallopian tubes are necessary for the sperm and egg to meet and fertilise, before the fertilised egg moves into the uterus approximately 5-7 days later. This test is necessary before fertility treatments that require unblocked tubes, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), or ovulation induction with Clomiphene or FSH injections. |
Ovulation Induction | Cost (£) | |
Ovulation induction fee includes ONE ultrasound scan appointment, telephone and face to face nurse discussion(s), as well as access to the patient app to help manage appointments and medication | £275 per scan | |
This is a treatment using tablets to stimulate ovaries to develop and release an egg / eggs. It is commonly used in women who do not ovulate regularly, or not at all. |
You might require more than one scan per cycle of Ovulation Induction | | |
Medication for the above treatment is charged separately | | |
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) | | |
Intrauterine insemination fee (includes nurse discussion, ultrasound scans, semen preparation and insemination) | £1,250 | |
IUI is a type of fertility treatment in which high quality sperm are separated from sperm that’s sluggish or non-moving. This sperm is then injected directly into the womb and can either be performed with your partner’s sperm or donor sperm (known as donor insemination) |
HFEA Fee IUI treatment using donor sperm | £40 | |
The HFEA charge fertility clinics a cost for each cycle of IVF and IUI they perform, to cover the regulatory costs. |
Medication for the above treatment is charged separately | | |
In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF) | Cost (£) | |
IVF treatment cycle fee (includes medical and nursing care, monitoring and scans, sedation, egg collection, laboratory procedures, embryo transfer and counselling) | £3,850 | |
Blastocyst culture (in the event that a day 2 or day 3 embryo transfer is recommended, we will refund you the cost of blastocyst fee) | £695 | |
HFEA fee | £100 | |
The HFEA charge fertility clinics a cost for each cycle of IVF and IUI they perform, to cover the regulatory costs. |
Medication for the above treatment is charged separately | | |
Duo-Stimulation Packages | Cost (£) | |
Duo-Stim to create Embryos (includes ICSI) | £9,225 | |
The Duo-Stimulation Package includes TIA (x1), Ultrasound Monitoring of Cycle (x2), Egg collection under Sedation (x2), Egg freeze (x1), Sperm preparation (x1), Fertilisation (x1), Embryo culture (x1) and Embryo freezing (x1) including first year of storage for embryo freezing |
HFEA fee | £100 | |
Frozen Embryo Replacement (FER) after Duo-Stim | £1,675 | |
HFEA fee | £100 | |
Duo-Stim for Egg Freeze | £7,800 | |
The Duo-Stimulation Package includes TIA (x1), Ultrasound Monitoring of Cycle (x2), Egg collection under Sedation (x2), Egg freeze (x2), including first year of storage for egg freezing |
HFEA fee | £100 | |
Medication for the above treatments is charged separately | | |
Egg donation, Egg vitrification and Surrogacy | | |
Please speak to a member of staff regarding costs for the above treatments | | |
Egg Donation | | |
Please click here to view the Egg Donation page with price lists |
Egg Freezing | | |
Please click here to view the Egg Freezing treatment page with prices |
Surrogacy | | |
Please click here to view the Surrogacy Journey flow chart with price lists |
Frozen Embryo transfer (FER) | Cost (£) | |
Frozen embryo replacement (FER) fee Frozen embryo replacement fee (includes medical and nursing care, monitoring and scans, thawing of embryo(s), embryo transfer, Quantitative BhCG blood test, and a pregnancy ultrasound scan) | £2,395 | |
A frozen embryo transfer (FER) is a cycle in which the frozen embryos from a previous fresh IVF are thawed and then transferred back into the woman’s uterus. |
HFEA fee | £100 | |
Patient and partner blood screening tests (see pre-treatment viral screening for breakdown) | £400 | |
Pregnancy serum test (Quantitative BhCG)) | Included | |
Pregnancy scan | £200 | |
Medication for the above treatment is charged separately | | |
Sperm Retrieval | Cost (£) | |
Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR) | £2,500 | |
A surgical procedure to collect sperm from men who aren’t able to produce sperm in their sample |
Sperm freeze following SSR (including 1 year storage) | £680 | |
Additional Treatment Costs | Cost (£) | |
ICSI fee | £1,300 | |
PICSI fee | £1,690 | |
Embryo Glue | £295 | |
Embryo Glue is a specialised culture medium that is enriched with a naturally occurring substance called Hyaluronan. Hyaluronan is found throughout the body and is thought to be important in fertility as the levels of hyaluronan increase within the uterus around implantation.
If you chose to use Embryo Glue, this will be used instead of conventional culture medium at the point of embryo transfer. The embryo selected for transfer will be placed within the Embryo Glue ahead of transfer. You will not need to do anything differently during the embryo transfer process. There are no additional risks in the use of Embryo Glue further than those associated with routine fertility treatment.
Embryo Glue has been classed as an ‘add on’ by the HFEA. An ‘add on’ is a treatment that can be offered by a clinic which may not have enough evidence to show that it is effective at increasing the chances of having a baby (
Each ‘add on’ is ranked according to the quality of evidence to support their use and Embryo Glue, along with other media containing hyaluronan, has been ranked as ‘amber’. The HFEA acknowledge that there is one high quality study which supports that Embryo Glue may increase the chances of having a baby with fertility treatment whilst other studies are deemed to be of moderate quality and as such the use cannot be routinely recommended for all fertility patients (
Your Clinician and Embryology team will be able to give you further guidance should you wish to use Embryo Glue in your treatment. |
Medication required for treatment – see medication costs | | |
Male factor pack (pack of 1) | £45 | |
Embryo Transfer under Sedation | £755 | |
While the vast majority of embryo transfers (ET) are performed without anaesthesia, conscious sedation is sometimes utilised for patients with severe anxiety or a history of technically difficult ET. |
Embryo Transfer under Sedation – at weekend | £1,195 | |
Frozen Embryo Replacement (FER) after freeze all for clinical reasons or Duo-Stim | £1,675 | |
Ultrasound aspiration of ovarian cyst - no sedation | £680 | |
Cyst Aspiration is a procedure to remove the fluid from a cyst in the ovary. |
Ultrasound aspiration of ovarian cyst - under sedation | £985 | |
Conscious sedation is sometimes utilised for patients with severe anxiety or a history of technically difficult at embryo transfer. |
Cryopreservation and Storage | Cost (£) | |
Sperm freezing (including 1 year storage) | £680 | |
Embryo freezing (including 1 year storage) | £865 | |
Freeze all embryos (FAE) for clinical reasons (eg OHSS risk) | At no cost | |
Sperm/ Embryo/ Egg storage (per annum) | £426 | |
Administration charge for preparing frozen gametes or embryos for transfer to another UK clinic | £275 | |
Administration charge for preparing frozen gametes or embryos for transfer to an overseas clinic | £2,000 | |
Donor Sperm | Cost(£) | |
Herts & Essex Fertility Centre (cost per 1 vial) | £1,300 | |
Herts & Essex Fertility Centre – sibling sperm (cost per 1 vial) | £650 | |
Administration charge to arrange sperm import from Cryos | £750 | |
Administration charge to arrange sperm import from ESB (European Sperm Bank) | £750 | |
Administration charge to arrange sperm import from LSB (London Sperm Bank) | £500 | |
Administration charge to arrange sperm import from Xytex | £750 | |
ICSI procedure may be required depending on the quality of the sample purchased and how it thaws and prepares on the day of insemination. | £1,300 | |
HPV vaccine will be required if patient using donor sperm is HPV Negative. A course of 3 doses will be required. | £180 per dose | |
Miscarriage Testing | Cost (£) | |
Recurrent miscarriage profile (3D ultrasound scan, Thrombophilia screen, Antiphospholipid screen, Thyroid screen, Female Karyotype, follow up discussion with a consultant regarding results) | £1,750 | |
Extended recurrent miscarriage profile (3D ultrasound scan, Thrombophilia screen, Antiphospholipid screen, Thyroid screen, Male & Female Karyotype, follow up discussion with a consultant regarding results) | £2,250 | |
Pre-Treatment viral screening | Cost (£) | |
Patient - FBC, HIV, Hep B (Core & Surface antigen), Hep C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Rubella, HB electrophoresis | £200 | |
This is mandatory as required by our regulatory body before starting treatment.
Partner - HIV, Hep B (Core & Surface antigen), Hep C, Chlamydia & Gonorrhea | £200 | |
This is mandatory as required by our regulatory body before starting treatment. |
Pathology costs* | Cost (£) | |
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) | £125 | |
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced by cells within the ovary that help us assess your ovarian egg reserve and therefore your fertility. |
Blood group | £60 | |
A blood group is a classification of blood, based on the presence and absence of antibodies and inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). |
Cervical smear | £155 | |
A cervical screening test (previously known as a smear test) is a method of detecting abnormal cells on the cervix. |
Chlamydia (urine) | £95 | |
This is a test on a urine sample to check for chlamydia. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) | £85 | |
CMV is a common virus that is usually harmless. Sometimes it causes problems in babies if you catch it during pregnancy (congenital CMV). It is a simple blood test. |
Estradiol (E2) | £70 | |
Estradiol, is an estrogen steroid hormone and the major female sex hormone, which maintains oocytes (eggs in the ovary) and triggers a series of events that lead to ovulation. |
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) | £70 | |
FSH is a hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs |
FSH & E2 combined | £140 | |
Full blood count | £45 | |
A full blood count (FBC) is a simple blood test. An FBC not only tests for disorders and abnormalities of the blood but, as blood travels throughout the whole body, it can give an indication of disease present in other organs. |
Gonorrhoea (urine) | £95 | |
This is a test on a urine sample to check for gonorrhea. It is usually done on the first part of your urine stream. Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). |
Haemoglobin electrophoresis | £80 | |
A haemoglobin electrophoresis test is a blood test used to measure and identify the different types of haemoglobin in your bloodstream. Haemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen to your tissues and organs. |
HTLV 1 & 2 | £90 | |
The HTLV 1 & 2 Antibody test is a virology blood test. |
Luteinising hormone (LH) | £70 | |
Luteinising hormone is a hormone produced by gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland. In females, an acute rise of LH triggers ovulation. In males, it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone. |
Progesterone | £70 | |
Progesterone is a hormone released by the corpus luteum in the ovary. The corpus luteum is essential for establishing and maintaining pregnancy in females. |
Prolactin | £70 | |
prolactin (PRL) test measures how much of the hormone you have in your blood. A raised level can indicate high stress levels. |
Quantitative BhCG | £65 | |
A beta HCG test is a blood test used to diagnose pregnancy, and usually becomes positive around the time of the first missed period. |
Rubella | £70 | |
A rubella blood test checks to see if you have antibodies to the rubella virus. |
Sickle cell screen | £80 | |
A blood test to find out if you carry sickle cell and are at risk of having a child with sickle cell disease. |
Testosterone | £70 | |
The testosterone blood test checks for abnormal levels of testosterone, which may affect sexual libido, cause erectile problems and infertility in men. |
Thyroid Function Test (TFT) [Thyroxine T4 Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)] | £70 | |
A thyroid function test, looks at levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) in the blood. A high level of TSH and a low level of T4 in the blood could mean you have an underactive thyroid. |
*If there is a blood test you require that is not listed, please contact our team to discuss further | | |
Genetic Testing | Cost (£) | |
Chromosome Karyotype | £500 | |
Karyotyping is a laboratory procedure that allows your doctor to examine your set of chromosomes. A karyotype test examines these dividing cells. The pairs of chromosomes are arranged by their size and appearance. This helps your doctor easily determine if any chromosomes are missing or damaged. |
Chromosome Y Deletion | £350 | |
Y chromosome microdeletion (YCM) is a family of genetic disorders caused by missing gene(s) in the Y chromosome. Many men with YCM exhibit no symptoms and lead normal lives. However, YCM is also known to be present in a significant number of men with reduced fertility. |
Chromosome Karyotype and & Y Deletion | £680 | |
Chromosome Karyotype, Y Deletion and cystic fibrosis screening | £950 | |
Cystic Fibrosis screening | £250 | |
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition that causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. |
Igenomix CGT Sync | £670 | |
Igenomix CGT Plus | £660 | |
1 by 1 NGS PGT-A for 1st embryo | £800 | |
each additional embryo at increments of | £450 | |
Medication Costs | Cost (£) | |
Please note cost of medication is additional to treatment cost. Medication purchased at HEFC will be supplied with a sharps container and a drug storage case. Please ask a member of staff to give you a calculation for your treatment cycle. | | |
Aspirin 75mg | £1 | |
Azithromycin 1g (pack of 4 x 250mg each tablet) | £9.90 | |
Azithromycin is an antibiotic. |
Bemfola 75iu | £29.50 | |
Bemfola - The active substance in Bemfola, follitropin alfa, is a copy of the natural hormone FSH. In the body, FSH controls reproductive function: in women, it stimulates the production of eggs in the ovaries. |
Bemfola 150iu | £59 | |
Bemfola - The active substance in Bemfola, follitropin alfa, is a copy of the natural hormone FSH. In the body, FSH controls reproductive function: in women, it stimulates the production of eggs in the ovaries. |
Bemfola 225iu | £88.50 | |
Bemfola - The active substance in Bemfola, follitropin alfa, is a copy of the natural hormone FSH. In the body, FSH controls reproductive function: in women, it stimulates the production of eggs in the ovaries. |
Bemfola 300iu | £118 | |
Bemfola - The active substance in Bemfola, follitropin alfa, is a copy of the natural hormone FSH. In the body, FSH controls reproductive function: in women, it stimulates the production of eggs in the ovaries. |
Bemfola 450iu | £177 | |
Bemfola - The active substance in Bemfola, follitropin alfa, is a copy of the natural hormone FSH. In the body, FSH controls reproductive function: in women, it stimulates the production of eggs in the ovaries. |
Cetrotide 0.25mcg | £35 | |
Cetrotide - Cetrotide stops your body from releasing an egg from your ovary during your menstrual cycle. This is because if the eggs are released too early it may not be possible for your doctor to collect them. When your eggs are ready to be collected, another medicine will be given to you that will release them. |
Clexane 20mg/ 40mg (box of 10) | £45 | |
Clexane - Clexane is a low molecular weight heparin. Heparin is an anticoagulant which prevents clot formation in the blood. Clexane is thought to help prevent blood clots from forming in the embryo and placenta. |
Clomid 50mg x 30 | £35 | |
Clomifen (Clomid) - Chlomiphene (clomid) is prescribed for women to prompt or normalise ovulation. |
Cyclogest 400mg x 15 | £28 | |
Cyclogest - Cyclogest pessaries are progesterone supplements to thicken the uterine lining and prepare the body to support the embryo, so the embryo can successfully implant and grow. |
Decapeptyl 0.1mg (powder and solvent injection) | £45 | |
Estraderm 100mcg (box of 8) | £25 | |
Estraderm - Estraderm MX (Oestradiol) patches are prescribed for women undergoing treatment to deliver the hormone oestrogen. |
Fragmin 2500iu | £45 | |
Gonal F 300iu | £124 | |
Gonal F - Gonal F is used to help develop several follicles (each containing an egg) in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures (procedures that may help you to become pregnant). |
Gonal F 450iu | £186 | |
Gonal F - Gonal F is used to help develop several follicles (each containing an egg) in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures (procedures that may help you to become pregnant). |
Gonal F 900iu | £372 | |
Gonal F - Gonal F is used to help develop several follicles (each containing an egg) in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures (procedures that may help you to become pregnant). |
Letrozole 2.5mg (box of 28) | £35 | |
Lubion 25mg x 7 | £85 | |
Luveris 75iu | £36 | |
Meriofert 75iu | £31 | |
Meriofert - Meriofert stimulates the ovaries to produce more follicles and therefore more eggs. |
Meriofert 150iu | £62 | |
Meriofert - Meriofert stimulates the ovaries to produce more follicles and therefore more eggs. |
Metformin 500mg | £9.90 | |
Ovitrelle 250mcg | £38 | |
Ovitrelle - Ovitrelle is given to help release an egg from the ovary |
Pergoveris 300iu | £212 | |
Pergoveris 450iu | £318 | |
Pergoveris 900iu | £636 | |
Prednisolone 5mg (box of 28) | £9.90 | |
Prednisolone - Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid which is produced by your adrenal gland in your kidney. It has a good anti-inflammatory effect and is generally used in auto-immune (non-infectious) inflammatory conditions. It is typically prescribed in fertility treatment for patients who have had multiple miscarriages, aiming to reduce cells that may attack the fetus. |
Progynova 2mg (3x28) | £22 | |
Progynova - Progynova is a drug containing oestrogen. It helps to grow and maintain your endometrial lining and sustain a pregnancy. It also helps your placenta function, boosts blood flow to your uterus and primes your body for breastfeeding. |
Prontogest | £22 | |
Prontogest - Prontogest is an effective way of administering progesterone. However, it needs to be administered in the buttock as an intramuscular injection, and you will need to have someone who is prepared to administer this for you, as you will not be able to do so yourself. |
Prostap SR 3.75 | £210 | |
Prostap - PROSTAP SR is a synthetic hormone which can be used to reduce the levels of testosterone and estrogen circulating in the body. It is used to reduce the thickness of the lining (endometrium) of the womb (uterus) in preparation for treatment. |
Provera 10mg x 10 | £15 | |
Suprecur 5.5ml | £35 | |
Suprecur - Suprecur is given to suppress the production of specific hormones from the brain. This allows control over the development of follicles in response to fertility medication and prevents spontaneous ovulation. |
Suprefact 5.5ml | £45 | |
Sildentafil 50mg (box 4) | £27.50 | |
Zivafert 5000iu | £45 | |
Loyalty Offer | | |
Loyalty Offer | | |
We offer our unsuccessful patients a 10% discount on their next fresh cycle of treatment – IVF or ICSI (excluding medication). This offer is valid for full paying patients and needs to be taken within one year of their last failed cycle of treatment. This offer does not apply to Access Fertility patients, Egg Sharing patients, IUI patients or FER patients. |