Patient Stories
Our Patient Stories include messages, stories about our patients’ fertility journeys and photos of our babies.

With my severe Endometriosis it was unlikely I would have children
All of our dreams came true on 9 December 2022 at 10:29am with the safe arrival of our most precious little girl Emily, born via planned c section weighing 5lbs 8oz.
After several years of trying for a family and Covid delaying things for us we are so incredibly thankful to the team at Herts & Essex for all their help and support. It was a tough journey for us with many ups and downs along the way but with the help of the team we did it and Emily is just perfect in every way. xx
I was told at the age of 19 that due to my severe Endometriosis it was unlikely I would be able to have children but we got to a point in our lives where we thought we had to give IVF a try before it was too late for us and we lived to regret not trying. We are so glad that we embarked on our journey with Herts & Essex and will be forever grateful for everything they did for us.
Emily is our long-awaited miracle and the most precious gift we could ask for and we feel so blessed to finally have her in our life.