Patient Stories

Our Patient Stories include messages, stories about our patients’ fertility journeys and photos of our babies.

After 11 years of trying, little Kiki was born
After 11 years of trying, little Kiki was born

After 11 years of trying, little Kiki was born

I can’t believe I haven’t done this before now…. but this clinic is by far the best in the country!! We had tried for 11 long years to have a baby. We went to a different clinic at first and had 5 unsuccessful rounds. We decided to move clinics and found this one. As soon as we walked through the door we felt at home. All the staff is so friendly and caring, we never felt like just another patient. Eventually, after sadly suffering two miscarriages, we went through our final round and fell pregnant, we gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl in August 2018. David had always said that one of our embryos would be our baby and he was totally right! We cannot thank all of the staff and the clinic for everything they have ever done for us. All of our dreams have finally come true and we are the happiest mummy & daddy in the world! I don’t think the staff realise how much they are literally changing people’s lives! You will always be part of our extended family.

❤️ thank you, thank you, thank you!! xx

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