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Patient fell pregnant naturally 2 months after a surgical correction of her uterine septum at Herts & Essex Fertility Centre

16th January 2018

Patient fell pregnant naturally 2 months after a surgical correction of her uterine septum at Herts & Essex Fertility Centre

David Ogutu MRCOG
Medical Director and Consultant Gynaecologist

The uterine septum is one of the major causes of infertility or recurrent miscarriages. It’s a condition a woman is born with, where the uterus gets an extra wedge of tissue known as the septum that hangs from the top and can divide the uterus into two cavities. The tissue that makes up the septum differ from normal uterine tissue leading to poor blood circulation in the septum, which can cause the embryo to fail a successful implant in the uterus or not develop in case of implanting.

The condition is usually first detected during an infertility exam that can be performed after a recent miscarriage. Our patient had a history of recurrent miscarriages and was diagnosed with a complete uterine septum on 3D ultrasound scan when she visited Herts and Essex Fertility Centre. Our consultant Mr Ogutu advised her to proceed to a surgical procedure where the septum was completely incised, and the tissue springs were back to the uterine wall resulting to a normal uterine cavity.

Two months after surgery, our patient conceived spontaneously and delivered normally a healthy baby at 38 weeks gestation.

The International Society for Reproductive Surgery consensus is that congenital uterine abnormalities, including uterine septum should be investigated as part of infertility or recurrent miscarriage work up. Where uterine septum is diagnosed, hysteroscopic resection should be offered to optimise live birth rates.

We are immensely proud to run a holistic fertility centre, which not only provides IVF treatment, but also investigations as to why couples are not getting pregnant and then provide corrective surgery to not only enhance their chances of successful IVF but also enable couples to conceive naturally.

Our patient’s comment: “Molly Rose Britain arrived safe and well on 1st August 2017. She was delivered by c section and all went well. We love being parents to our little miracle. Molly is a healthy 6months old baby now”


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